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Google Further Extends Same-Meaning Close Variants

Over the last few years the technical definition of Google Ads’…
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

How Did Google Ads Change in 2018?

Today is our first day back in the Mackerel Media office following…
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We’ll Never Know How Google Ranks SEO (But It’s Vital to Keep Up)

On the 26th September 2002, Google released the first of its…

Is Display More Important Than Search for Your Advertising Campaign?

In the lead up to GDPR, one of the things that came up most when…

AI & Voice Searches: The Future of Digital Marketing?

Last week, the digital marketing world descended on Mackerel…
This shop front is like your bad landing page.

Why is a Great Landing Page Important for Your PPC Campaign?

In the grand tradition of all digital marketing blogs, let me…

The Value of Being Seen

Here's a question: What value do you put on your business being…

Why does a fast page load time matter?

Most people who work day-to-day in digital marketing know that…

Best Use of Video DADI Award Nomination for…Us!

We are positively thrilled to announce that a project for Glengoyne…

SEO Is Not Dead

You’ve heard the rumours. You’ve seen the think-pieces…